All things sailing in Dana Point Harbor
Racing in Dana Point
There are many ways to get involved in sailboat racing in Dana Point. Whether you own a sailboat and want to participate or wish to join another crew, we've outlined a few options for you to get involved.

Farkle Race every Thursday at 2 p.m.
Dana Point Harbor is home to the longest-running weekly sailboat race on the Pacific Coast. The tradition started 32 years ago with just a handful of local racers who wanted to race every week. They named it the "Farkle race." Now in its third decade, legend has it they've never missed a race. Rain or shine, there are always at least a dozen participants. If you own a sailboat, just show up at the green buoy on Thursday for a 2 p.m. start. Use channel 68 to hear the course and ask any questions. If you wish to crew on a boat, learn more about the rules or just find out how to get involved, fill out the form below with your name, email phone number and a message, and someone will contact you. There are occasional informational meetings to share this great weekly tradition.
Dana Point Charters also offers a great option for those wishing to try this experience on a private charter. Visit their website at www.DanaPointCharters.com or call 949-485-3452.
PHRF Races at Dana West Yacht Club and Dana Point Yacht Club
Both yacht clubs in Dana Point offer Performance Handicap Racing Fleet-sanctioned races throughout the year, and also host their own annual charity regattas. Typically, you must be a member of PHRF to race, but Dana West Yacht Club allows non-PHRF members to race in their annual charity regatta. If you wish to crew on boats participating in these regattas, please fill out the contact form below to learn how to get involved.
Dana West Yacht Club racing website https://dwyc.org/racing/
Dana Point Yacht Club racing website https://dpyc.org/On_the_Water/Racing